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HAPPY OSTARA! Giveaway Results and a New Newsletter!


You can win this painting in Moon Phased's Women's History Month Raffle!

Stop by Moon Phased in Winchester and enter to win! Proceeds to benefit the Laurel Center.


A few quick Darkflower Announcements.....

First, our OSTARA Giveaway Winner! CYNTHIA DEHN won out giveaway that we ran for new mailing list subscribers at our markets this weekend! Cynthia, I emailed you directly ...get back in touch and let me know your address and what book you want and The Urban Crow oracle Deck, any book off my website, and a box of other witchy goodies are on their way to you! Congratulations!


Darkflower Books and Folk Art is switching from doing a million separate blog posts to a new bi-monthly NEWSLETTER format! It will be called The Witch of Wolfcroft and the first one will be out next week and will feature....

-An Our Pagan Circle interview with Nora of Saga of Antler and Bone

-Upcoming markets and classes

-Where to enter giveaways for free Darkflower loot (check out this raffle that I'll be doing with Raven Conjure for The Trevor Project in May: )

-new releases from Darkflower: spell kits, books, and more

-Introductory articles and links for those of you new to the Wiccan path to help you on your journey

-Patterns, recipes, and other fun stuff to witchify your life


I am beyond thrilled to let you know about a new book that will be coming out in roughly two weeks!

This is perhaps the most intensely personal thing I've ever written, and I am thrilled and nervous as all get out to bring it to you. For those of you who work with spirit guides, I think you'll recognize the experience. It will be coming out via Kindle and in paperback on Amazon, and signed copies will be available through the website and in local stores. And, of course, I'll have it with me at markets!

Happy, Ostara, loves, and may the Lady and Lord smile on you this springtime.

See you next week in the newsletter....and this weekend at the Awake Festival in Martinsburg! Idol Hands will be at Moon Phased with new things from me on Saturday as well, and a whole crop of original paintings are for sale this weekend at the Artisan Market and Studio Spring Artisan Market. The market is Friday, March 22nd, and Saturday, March 23rd The Barn at Brambleton, 24439 Evergreen Mills Rd. Ashburn, VA 20148.

Blessed be!


Visit the Darkflower Shop on etsy! Books, prints, kits, OOAK magickal handmade items, and more!

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