Hello Dahlings! it's time for the results of the Hot Faerie Man Giveaway! Many thanks to Idol Hands (check them out on Facebook) for creating these two lovely sculrptures! If you didn't win and want to purchase one of your own, message Kathy at Idol Hands on Facebook! She has ladies too :)
First up is THOMAS! And his gold-themed faerie sticker pack! And the winner is...
JEN JONES!!! Jen, I'll email you for your address...and then Thomas is on his way to your house!

Next up....who will take ALEX and his blue sticker pack home? More drum roll.......
The winner is....... JENNIFER McCLURE! It's a good day for Jennifers!

Thank you to everyone who entered! Winners, please contact me by Friday at close of business with your address...I sent you an email too!
In other news: BOOK OF SHADOWS class at Moon Phased in Winchester this Saturday! Details are here:
And if you live in the Leesburg area, the class is happening AGAIN at Artisan market and Studio the following Saturday! Details are here:
Come learn to bind your own Book of Shadows or journal! It's super fun and addictive! Pre-registration is required!
Thanks so much everyone, and may many hot Faeries find their way to you! Stay tuned for a new edition of OUR PAGAN CIRCLE later in the week!