Well, people, my life's work is done. My highest goal has been achieved. Someone made me into a poppet.

The sweet and wonderful crew at Moon Phased in Winchester presented me with this yesterday. I am 100% certain she is cuter than I ever was or ever will be. Look at her wee button eyes! And insane dreadlocked hair! And she's holding AN EVEN SMALLER POPPET to commemorate my poppet-making classes. AND she's holding a tiny version of my Lilith painting! And under the ribbon, there's a cute pentacle necklace!
When I die, I am SO HAUNTING THIS THING. Just a warning.
In other news, if you are in the Winchester area, there's a new class coming to town:

Scrying and tea leaf reading are ancient arts that have been practiced worldwide…but how do you actually do it? In this adventurous class with your guide Tava Baird (who will not only bring tea but snacks) you will gain experience in reading tea leaves for yourself and others, and talk about many forms of scrying and how to ask the right questions when looking for answers. Each participant will be able to decorate and bless a jar for water scrying to take with them, and learn how to bind a simple pamphlet-stitch symbol dictionary and dream journal to accompany them on their journey. Fee: $55 includes all materials. Class Time: 2 1/2 hours. Held at Raven Conjure on Millwood Ave in Winchester. To register, go here:
Hope to see y'all in class! And THANK YOU to everyone who came out for the painting and bone-casting classes this last weekend! I love you all!
See you local witches at the Imbolc Indoor Mini-Market at moon Phased next Saturday 10-5! Come see the beautiful bone ritual knives I have on hand, the new prints, the new tote bags, and the first hard copies of The Ballad of Birdie MacLeod!