Hello all! I wanted to thank everyone who is venturing into the new Spiral Pathways prequel series with the first book, The Ballad of Birdie MacLeod. Don't have a copy of Birdie yet? Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/Ballad-Birdie-MacLeod-Faerie-Between/dp/B0CTHQ6RW7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ECG6FF62WTYL&keywords=ballad+of+birdie&qid=1706758083&s=books&sprefix=ballad+of+birdie%2Cstripbooks%2C95&sr=1-1
Meanwhile, I have been moving ahead on the Oracle Deck. Lilith is a character later in the Birdie MacLeod series, (you see her VERY briefly in Bonewytch talking to Samael...actually, just her leg) but she is a major part of the Birdie MacLeod arc and will appear in Book 2 this summer. The Darkflower Oracle has several characters from the Birdie series included among the cards, and Lilith is among them! Here is the image from her card, just finished today.
For all you Lilith fans, Samael's oracle card is finished too, and has already been made into an 8" by 10" print. Lilith will be made into a print next week, and then she'll be cropping up at all my markets and on this site if you'd like to take her home. I have Lilith sigil casting cloths at the markets as well, and if you live too far away to come to a market just message me and I can ship to you! And...there will be little Lilith POPPET KITS available in March. I'll put up pictures here once they are out, and they will be available to purchase and ship too!
Thank you for visiting...and watch this space in mid February for another cool giveaway!
